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Planning Commission approves new housing project

Posted Date: 07/24/2024

Planning Commission approves new housing project

The Planning Commission met on Tuesday, July 23, and approved a new multi-family residential dwelling at 501 Rathel Street.

The owner/developer is KTW Ventures, LLC, and the applicant representative is Tom Davenport. James Damron from Risley Architects was present to answer questions.

The City’s COO/Engineer, Wade Phillips, said all the plans looked good. “What they are proposing would extend Rathel Street 400 feet.”  The commissioners asked Phillips if there were any plans to extend the street further in the future, and Phillips said there were not.

The proposed units would have 16 in Building A and 14 in Building B. The two buildings would total 10,200 square feet, with each unit being about 300 square feet.

The commissioners approved the plans with three conditions. An additional fire hydrant would need to be added to the northeast corner of the south complex. The Rathel Street extension would be shortened, and sidewalks would be added. 

The vote was unanimous to approve the 501 Rathel Street project.

The second item under new business was a new commercial building for B&B Automotive at 409 Highway 62/65 North.   After the discussion, the commissioners wanted to table the agenda item to receive more information on three areas.

Proper drainage or stormwater retention was not built into the plans, and no landscaping was proposed. The proposed parking lot was gravel, and the commissioners did not favor that.

The commissioners voted to table the 409 Highway 62/65 N. development until further information could be obtained.